I am a mom of 3 young children and have been in braces for 2 1/2 years. Finding a daytime sitter has been a challenge the entire time and I have had no choice but to bring my children with me for many appointments. Haltom has been nothing but amazing. They have graciously accommodated my needs . I've visited their Albuquerque and Los Lunas offices and both are comfortable enough for my children to go without having meltdowns. My children love going with me and playing with the toy trains and all of the staff is warm and friendly. My children also looked forward to enjoying a cookie and I appreciate the coffee. When we're there, we're really treated like family.
The Dr.'s attention to detail is apparent. Haltom was highly recommended by my regular dentist and I have even received compliments on how good my teeth are looking from the hygienist. My teeth are so beautiful and straight. I look forward to my next appointment when I get them removed.
Also, as an added bonus, I get to cash in on reward points that I've been receiving for the last 2 1/2 years. It's worth about $85 in gift cards. I'm sure I could have earned even more if I tried. I'm looking forward to using it as a nice date night for my husband and I.
Overall, I'm really pleased with my experience. I visited other orthodontic offices and I am glad I chose Haltom. I don't think I would have had as good as an experience anywhere else.